Estimate your space

Estimate how much space you need for your belongings and contact our team today about our storage Peterborough solutions.

Quarter of Garage Icon

25 Sq. Ft

Quarter of standard garage

Half of Garage Icon

35 Sq. Ft

Third of standard garage

Third of Garage Icon

50 Sq. Ft

Half a standard garage or studio flat

1 Bedroom Flat Icon

50-75 Sq. Ft

1 bedroom flat

2 Bedroom Flat Icon

75-100 Sq.Ft

2 bedroom flat

2 Bedroom House Icon

100-125 Sq.Ft

2 bedroom house

3 Bedroom House Icon

125-150 Sq.Ft

3 bedroom house

4 Bedroom House Icon

150-175 Sq. Ft

4 bedroom house

Five Bedroom House Icon

175-200 Sq. Ft

5 bedroom house