How Does GDPR Affect Document Storage?

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Whether you’re a facilities manager or specialist data protection officer, we’re detailing exactly how GDPR affects document storage and what you should be doing to protect your company’s reputation as well as your client’s or customer’s details.


Short for General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR is all about protecting personal, sensitive information. Introduced on May 25 2018, companies and organisations across the EU and the UK became obliged to take confidentiality and privacy more seriously. Failure to comply with the new legislation could result in a hefty financial penalty.


Personal information in the context of GDPR refers to any data that could identify an individual. This could be a name, address, phone number, etc and could be attached to some highly sensitive files, such as medical records, transactions or legal case matters.


GDPR was predominantly set up for websites. It was all about being more open with website users on how their data was being collected and used. It was also an attempt to crack down on weaker security measures where sensitive data is vulnerable to hackers.


But, what about physical paper records – how does GDPR affect your document storage?

As with digital data, when it comes to paper records you need to ensure that the information is used appropriately and only seen by appropriate individuals. Under GDPR law, any incident that leads to personal data being lost, stolen, destroyed, or changed is considered a data breach.


All data breaches should be reported within 72 hours to your supervisory authority and the affected customers or clients should be informed in a timely manner.


One way to avoid data breaches is to have a secure document storage system in place.


How can you securely store all your sensitive records to comply with GDPR law?

One solution for securely storing private records and information is to use document storage or archive facility.


Providers of document storage should be fully compliant with GDPR practices and able to offer a trustworthy and safe confidential information management service. It’s a way to ensure paperwork is professionally filed, stored and managed off-site so you don’t have to worry about sensitive documents falling into the wrong hands or going missing.


At 1st Access, we can help you meet your obligations as a responsible organisation or company by offering secure GDPR compliant document storage Peterborough. Contact us today to find out more about our available storage services and units.

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