Top 5 Businesses That Can Be Run From a Storage Unit

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Though it may not seem like an obvious choice, self-storage units are increasingly becoming the headquarters of choice amongst small business owners. If you don’t have spare rooms at home to run your business out of – and store stock – you could rent an office, but that’s a considerable expense which will eat into your potential profits.


That’s where storage units come in. Not only are they perfectly suited to housing your business’ stock and equipment, they make excellent workspaces for thousands of entrepreneurs around the world.


Below are five businesses which are often run from storage units – but this small selection is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re considering starting your own business and would like to learn more about self-storage, contact 1st Access Self Storage Peterborough today.


  • eBay and Amazon stores

If you sell products through eBay, Amazon or any other online store, self-storage units are perfect spaces to store your goods. If you want, you can also bring your laptop and work from your storage unit in peace and quiet; set up a desk, and it can double up as a packing station, too, allowing you to handle every aspect of your business’ day-to-day operations from one location.


  • Handmade goods and fashion

Do you run an arts and crafts business? Perhaps you customise trainers, make your own clothes or print decals? Whatever the nature of your business, if you sell products on Etsy – or similar – you’ll find a storage unit to be a revelation. Not only can you keep your wares safe and well-organised, you can work out of the storage unit and treat it like a studio.


  • Photography and video

If video and photography are at the core of your business, a storage unit is a great way to take it to the next level. The clean and simple background provides a blank canvas for product photography, how-to videos or portraits, while the quiet and distraction-free environment allows you to focus on editing and posting your photos and videos.


  • Local charities

If you run a local charity and your spare room is overflowing with donations, now could be the perfect time to invest in a storage unit and take your organisation to the next level. Depending on your preference, you could use the unit simply to store donations or to work out of – it’s totally up to you.


  • Tradespeople

While you may not typically associate the likes of builders, plumbers, decorators and electricians with storage units, a growing number of such tradespeople are turning to them to store their equipment. If space is short at home, and you want to leave your expensive tools in a safe place, look no further.


Whether you’re at a crossroads with your business and want to take it to the next level or are just starting out, at 1st Access our Storage units around Peterborough cater for every need. Contact us today to receive a quote.

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