Are Student Storage Units A Good Idea?

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Getting ready to head off to university for your first year? You’ve got lots to look forward to, but moving day probably won’t be one of them. Relocating and living away from home for the first time is certainly rewarding, but it can be immensely stressful and challenging too.


Anything you can do to make this process a little easier, then, should be welcomed. That’s where self storage units come in. Here are just a few reasons why they’re a great idea for students.


More relaxed moving day


As we mentioned above, moving away from home isn’t easy – and you may have to relocate more than once during your time at university. Many students end up living in different accommodation each year, so you could have to move three times in as many years!


Student storage units allow you to slow down this process and move in more manageable chunks. Instead of having to relocate all of your belongings in a single day, you’ll be able to do it gradually, moving stuff into the unit and then into your new home in your own time.


A safe home for your belongings


Realised that some of your furniture or belongings won’t fit in your new abode? That won’t be a concern if you have a self storage unit, as you’ll be able to keep it safe and sound there until you head home again at the end of the year.


More affordable than you might think


Self storage units are available in a multitude of sizes, and they’re extremely affordable considering how convenient and practical they are. You can even hire container storage space if you prefer.


Thinking of studying in Peterborough?


If you’re considering living in our city and studying at the new ARU Peterborough University, why not enquire about our student storage units? They could make your life so much easier – get a free quote today!

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