Can You Put a Lawn Mower in Storage?

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Need somewhere to keep your lawn mower while you’re not using it at home? Or perhaps you run a gardening business and have more than one mower in your arsenal that you need to find a temporary home for in between jobs. Whatever your predicament, you’ll be pleased to hear that, yes, you can put a lawn mower in a self storage unit.


What kind of mower can I keep in my unit?


Any kind of mower can be stored in one of our units, from a compact Flymo to a petrol-powered ride-on mower (and anything in between). Provided you have a large enough unit, you could store a whole collection of mowers if you wanted to! There are just a few things to bear in mind, though.


Safety precautions


If you have an electric mower, you don’t need to worry about taking any safety precautions. Simply turn up at your unit and deposit it inside – no fuss. If you have a petrol-powered machine, though, you’ll need to make sure that every drop of petrol is drained before you bring it to the facility.


If you’re fortunate enough to own a larger ride-on lawn mower with a four-stroke engine, you’ll also have to drain the oil before you bring it to our facility.


We can’t accept any flammable liquids into our storage units, as they could pose a risk to other customers’ belongings as well as the safety of our facility as a whole.


It’s also worth noting that, if you plan to store other gardening or groundcare supplies alongside your mower, any chemicals or solvents aren’t permitted in our storage units.


Want to learn more?


If you have further questions or would like to learn more about our self-storage units, contact us today.

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