Our Complete Guide to Making the Most of Your Storage Unit

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You know you want to hire a storage unit and we’ve got the tips you need to get the most out of it. It may be a small (in some cases) extra space outside of your home, but if you use it in the right way it can make all the difference to managing your clutter and lifestyle requirements.


The way you pack is important


How you pack can influence how much you can comfortably place into storage. It’s also worth considering which items you may want to access more frequently, over items that you’re happy placing into more long-term storage.

Place items that you want to access more often near the front of your unit and in an easy-to-reach location. That way, it’ll be easier to retrieve items as and when you need them.

As a general rule, it’s a good idea to place heavier, bulkier items at the back of your unit.

Avoid the temptation of piling too many boxes on top of one another. It’s better to hire a larger space than risk boxes toppling over.

Don’t forget to label boxes! You’ll thank yourself later. You don’t necessarily need to have a complete list of items for each box, but a general name, such as ‘kitchen crockery’ or ‘books’ will suffice. Breathable plastic boxes can be sturdier and more easy to stack. If you buy see-through ones, it will also be easier to see at a glance what’s inside.

Covering furniture with sheets will prevent the build-up of dust.

If you want to avoid creases on your clothes, you can always purchase cardboard wardrobes – it’s a handy tip to know.


Preparing items for storage


You may be in a hurry to move everything into your unit. But, a little preparatory work can keep everything in good condition. Making sure everything is clean and dry, such as bedding and clothes, will help ensure you don’t encounter mould growth.

There are some items that are not allowed to be stored in a storage unit. This is predominantly for health and safety reasons. It’s worth checking the list before you place items into storage.

It can also be worth dismantling furniture where possible. This will make them safer to transport and handle. They will be less susceptible to knocks and damage.


Get the right size unit


Not sure how much room you need? Luckily there are some helpful size guides available online to give you a rough estimate of how much space you need for your contents.


Available storage unit sizes:

25 sq ft Storage Units50 sq ft Storage Units100 sq ft Storage Units
35 sq ft Storage Units75 sq ft Storage Units150 sq ft Storage Units
125 sq ft Storage Units175 sq ft Storage Units200 sq ft Storage Units


Get the right level of access


Some storage providers offer a range of access levels. These can include access during their regular opening times or even 24hr access. Get to know your options and choose what works for you.


Don’t forget to check you’re covered


While all respectable storage companies will have liability insurance, this won’t necessarily cover factors outside their control, such as damage from a fire. For that reason, it’s good to check that your home and contents insurance covers items that are inside your unit. You can decide not to take out insurance, but if you need to replace the items and the value racks up to a considerable amount it would definitely be worth adding this extra cover to your policy. Shop around for quotes and get covered!


Don’t neglect your unit


Your items may be securely out of sight and mind, but it will be worth checking on them every now and again. You don’t have to visit every week, or even every month, but a check every six months at the very least will ensure that your items are all in good order. Only the hirer of the unit is permitted to access it, so it’s up to you to check on your items. Giving items a quick dust every now and then won’t hurt.


Ready to start storing?


We hope these helpful tips will let you get the most out of your storage unit. If you’re looking for self-storage in Peterborough, 1st Access is a trusted name. Get your free, no-obligation quote with us today.

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